Link Building

Backlinks are the backbone of your website traffic.

Over 81% of digital marketers bank their SEO and content efforts on link building. Backlinks are easily as important as your on-site content.

Backlinks help search engines show that your website is trustworthy. This will then rank your website higher in the organic search results. Think of this as a long-term marketing strategy. Once your website pages are ranking for the keyword and queries you want, traffic and customers will come in easily.

However, not all backlinks are created equal. If your links have poor domain authority, this means your website is not healthy, and search engines will possibly mark it as a fraudulent page. Although your website isn’t a scam, this will hurt your business more. This is why we do not source any website that has a DA score lower than 30.

The pricing will depend on the criteria you would require for the links. A domain authority of 70+ will be based on case by case basis.

Pricing starts at $330 per link if you require only DA of 30+.

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